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Funny New Year's Resolutions

Laugh Out Loud with Top Funny New Year's Resolutions to Try

Public 28 Dec 2023
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New Year, new resolutions! Let’s dive into the realm of funny New Year's resolutions and discover a delightful array of comedic aspirations that promise a year filled with laughter and positive vibes.


Revolutionising Goals with The Comedy Behind New Year's Resolutions

As we gear up for a brand New Year, one of the most age-old things to do on New Years day - setting New Year's resolutions, takes centre stage once more. 

A New Year's resolution is a personal commitment or promise that an individual makes at the beginning of a New Year to improve some aspect of their life. It's a tradition where people set goals or intentions for self-improvement, aiming to bring about positive changes in various areas such as health, relationships, habits, career, personal development, or lifestyle choices. However, there's a delightful twist this time around. 

Funny New Year's Resolutions
Revolutionising Goals with The Comedy Behind New Year's Resolutions

Many people opt for a funny touch when crafting resolutions for a New Year to come. Injecting humour into these resolutions infuses an element of fun and light-heartedness, making the journey towards achieving them more enjoyable and sustainable. Moreover, funny New Year's resolutions nurture a resilient approach, empowering individuals to navigate challenges with a smile and a resilient spirit.

Where to Display Your Funny New Year's Resolutions?

After the writing, the next question will be where to display these resolutions. Here are some suggestions we give to help you place them beautifully in a way that helps ensure a steady and fun-filled journey towards achieving your aspirations.

  • Diary or Journal: Recording resolutions in a dedicated diary or journal offers a personal and private space for introspection and tracking progress throughout the year.
  • Visible Places at Home: Displaying resolutions on a prominent board or refrigerator serves as a daily reminder, ensuring they remain at the forefront of daily routines.
Funny New Year's Resolutions
Where to Display Your Funny New Year's Resolution?
  • Personalised Gifts with Printed Resolutions: Utilising New Year gifts like mugs, posters, or calendars with printed resolutions not only adds a creative touch but also embeds them into daily life.
  • Digital Reminders: Leveraging technology by setting pop-up reminders on devices or creating screensavers with New Year's resolutions funny helps in maintaining focus and consistency.
  • Office Desk or Workspace: Incorporating resolutions into the workspace environment encourages a balanced approach, allowing goals to seamlessly integrate into professional life.

A Collection of Most Adorable and New Year's Resolutions Funny for Everyone

For every individual, the approach to crafting amusing and engaging New Year's resolutions varies. In this section, let's delve into an assortment of funny New Year's resolution ideas tailored for different people, ensuring a year filled with laughter and positivity.

Funny New Year’s Resolutions for Kids

When it comes to kids, guiding them towards uplifting and enjoyable resolutions becomes paramount. As children often lack significant bad habits to break, let's explore delightful resolutions that instil positive habits and spark joy in their lives.

  • I will master the art of making silly faces in the mirror every morning.
  • We will convince the tooth fairy to start a toothpaste and candy exchange program.
  • I will aim to learn how to eat ice cream without getting brain freeze – a true skill!
  • We will practise becoming the reigning champion of blanket forts in the house.
  • I will try to perfect the "dinosaur roar" and unleash it when least expected.
  • I will commit to making parents laugh at least once a day with a joke or a funny dance.
Funny New Year's Resolutions
Funny New Year's Resolution Ideas for Kids
  • I will become a certified superhero by cleaning up toys faster than a speeding bullet.
  • I will aim to grow at least an inch taller before the next New Year – with some help from veggies, of course!
  • I will try the "no vegetables left behind" policy at dinner; sneakily feed them to the dog instead.
  • I will develop the ability to identify five different bird species in the backyard and give them secret agent names.

    New Year’s Resolutions for Adults with A Humorous Touch

    Similar to guiding kids, adults can also benefit from resolutions that infuse humour into their daily routines. Let's unravel funny New Year's resolutions that add a playful touch to adult aspirations for the upcoming year.

    • Embrace the chaos: aspire to make my bed at least once a month.
    • Practise the fine art of remembering where I left my keys at least twice a week.
    • Attempt to become fluent in emoji to communicate complex emotions more effectively.
    • Promise to conquer the pile of unread books by turning them into stylish furniture.
    • Aim to become a morning person by hitting snooze only five times instead of ten.
    Funny New Year's Resolutions
    Funniest New Year’s Resolutions for Adults
    • Try yoga – or at least learn how to touch my toes without toppling over.
    • Vow to attend at least one event I RSVP'd to on Facebook (even if it's in my dreams).
    • Experiment with new recipes, with a goal to cook something that actually looks like the recipe picture.
    • Aim to become a Zoom pro by mastering the mute/unmute button without embarrassing incidents.
    • Commit to finding a plant I can't kill in less than a week – a botanical challenge!
    • Promise to resist the urge to start a new TV series until I finish at least one I've already started.

      Funny Resolutions for Friends on New Year

      In the realm of friendships, resolutions take on a unique tone. Exploring funny New Year's resolutions that strengthen bonds and bring laughter into friendships is key. Let's discover resolutions that foster camaraderie and create memorable moments.

      • Organise a monthly "Laughathon Night" where we share the most embarrassing yet hilarious stories.
      • Commit to creating a secret handshake that becomes more intricate with each hangout.
      • Vow to start a group chat dedicated solely to sharing funny memes and jokes.
      • Plan a spontaneous road trip to a quirky destination, embracing the adventure together.
      • Become 'personal paparazzi' for each other, capturing the most candid and hilarious moments.
      Funny New Year's Resolutions
      Funny New Year's Resolutions for Friends
      • Promise to dress up in matching outrageous outfits for a day, making heads turn everywhere.
      • Host a 'Cook-off Challenge' where we attempt to recreate our worst cooking disasters.
      • Create a friendship time capsule filled with inside jokes and funny mementos to open next year.
      • Start a 'Dance Revolution' by mastering a signature dance move we can bust out anywhere.
      • Commit to writing and performing a comedy skit together, showcasing our wit and humour.

        Hilarious New Year's Resolutions for Family

        Crafting resolutions for the whole family involves focusing on strengthening familial ties. By emphasising shared experiences and moments, let's explore New Year quotes for family as witty resolutions that enhance the family bond while adding a touch of humour to create cherished memories.

        • Initiate a 'No Tech Tuesday' where we spend an entire day without any gadgets, surviving on board games and storytelling.
        • Hold a 'Funny Family Awards Night' and vote for the quirkiest family member in various categories.
        • Commit to creating a family-themed TikTok account to share our silly moments with the world.
        • Start a 'Weekly Family Talent Show' where we showcase our hidden and not-so-hidden talents.
        • Promise to have a monthly 'Dress-Up Dinner' where everyone arrives in outrageous costumes.
        Funny New Year's Resolutions
        Funny New Year's Resolution Ideas for Family
        • Designate a 'Random Act of Kindness Day' each month and document our hilarious attempts.
        • Commit to learning a new family dance routine and perform it at a family gathering.
        • Initiate a 'Recipe Roulette Night' where each family member gets to pick a bizarre ingredient for dinner.
        • Start a family joke book and add to it every time someone cracks a hilarious one-liner.
        • Plan a 'DIY Disaster Day' where we attempt Pinterest crafts and embrace the chaos together.

        As you get the perfect resolutions for the whole family, the next step is to display them creatively with members. Here are some imaginative ways to infuse laughter and togetherness into your family resolutions, turning funny New Year's resolutions into heartwarming reminders and shared moments of joy.

          New Year’s Resolutions for Pets with A Funny Touch

          Even our furry companions can be part of the resolution-setting fun. Similar to kids, let's explore resolutions that bring joy to our pets' lives and contribute to their well-being, albeit with a humorous twist.

          • Teach them to master the art of fetching items other than sticks – like the TV remote!
          • Initiate a 'Pet Karaoke Hour' where they can showcase their unique vocal talents.
          • Commit to learning a new trick each month, even if it involves balancing unusual items.
          • Set a goal to become a professional food critic for pet treats and rate them with paw prints.
          • Start a 'Pet Fashion Parade' where they get to strut their stuff in quirky outfits.
          Funny New Year's Resolutions
          Funniest New Year’s Resolutions for Pets
          • Commit to becoming the official doorbell alert system – barking or meowing upon visitor arrival!
          • Create a 'Pet Instagram Takeover Day' where they get to curate the content for the day.
          • Train them to do household chores, even if it's just fetching the newspaper or sorting socks.
          • Initiate 'Pet Olympics' where they showcase their agility and speed in fun challenges.
          • Vow to become an expert in 'Hide-and-Seek' and find the best hiding spots in the house!

            Uncovering Top Funny Resolutions for New Year with Different Purposes

            Each aspect of life calls for distinct approaches to humorous resolutions. Let's dive into diverse fields of goals and explore how humour can enliven resolutions for various purposes in the upcoming year.

            Funny Work-Related New Year’s Resolutions

            When it comes to work, injecting humour into resolutions can make professional goals more approachable. Let's explore our funny New Year’s resolutions that add a playful edge to the workplace while aiming for productivity and enjoyment.

            • Master the art of attending meetings without getting caught dozing off, bonus points for nodding in agreement at the right moments.
            • Commit to creating an "Office Olympics" where tasks are completed with a comedic twist.
            • Start a 'Compliment-Off' challenge to see who can deliver the most absurd yet amusing compliments.
            • Aim to reply to all emails with GIFs or emojis for a day and see how it affects communication.
            • Hold 'Bring Your Pet to Work Day' every Friday – productivity might skyrocket!
            Funny New Year's Resolutions
            Funny Work-Related New Year’s Resolutions
            • Commit to perfecting the art of 'Desk Zen' by transforming it into a miniature golf course during breaks.
            • Initiate a 'Pun Jar' – every work-related pun adds to the jar, and the one with the most wins a prize!
            • Aim to write a satirical company newsletter with humorous takes on office events.
            • Organise a 'Tie Swap Day' where everyone exchanges their ties for more unconventional ones.
            • Commit to mastering the 'Art of Confusing Jargon' in meetings without getting caught.

              Funny New Year’s Resolutions as School-Related Goals

              For students and academics, resolutions can be both beneficial and amusing. Let's uncover resolutions that bring laughter to the academic journey while encouraging growth and learning in unconventional yet engaging ways.

              • Host a 'Ridiculous Hat Day' every month – learning gets a quirky upgrade!
              • Aim to invent an entirely new, yet perfectly logical, language and present it for extra credit.
              • Start a 'Funny Physics Experiment' series where experiments are conducted with amusing twists.
              • Commit to writing essays with a humorous spin, exploring absurd yet entertaining topics.
              Funny New Year's Resolutions
              Funny New Year’s Resolutions as School-Related Goals
              • Organise a 'Science Puns Challenge' and see who can come up with the most groan-worthy puns.
              • Aim to turn a history lesson into an interactive, humorous play or skit.
              • Start a 'Laugh Lab' where everyone shares their favourite jokes to start the day on a cheerful note.
              • Commit to making the most bizarre yet scientifically accurate project presentation.
              • Organise a 'Wordplay Wednesday' to incorporate wordplay into vocabulary lessons.
              • Aim to make an educational video with a humorous take on a complex subject.

                Funny Health-Related New Year’s Resolutions

                Health goals often carry a serious tone, but injecting humour can make wellness pursuits more enjoyable. Let's explore these following funny New Year's resolutions that aim for health while keeping the spirit light-hearted and positive.

                • Commit to laughing for at least 10 minutes every day to boost mood and immunity.
                • Aim to make salads so funny they're called 'laugh-out-loud leafy greens.'
                • Initiate a 'Dance Party Workout' instead of a traditional gym routine – dancing off the calories!
                • Start a 'Healthy Snack Comedy Club' where healthy snacks are served with a side of jokes.
                Funny New Year's Resolutions
                Funny Health-Related New Year’s Resolutions
                • Commit to taking 'Awkward Exercise Selfies' – the goofier, the better!
                • Aim to meditate with a twist – incorporating laughter yoga into the routine.
                • Organise a 'Water Drinking Game' where every glass is downed with a humorous toast.
                • Commit to creating a hilarious workout playlist that includes unconventional tunes.
                • Start a 'Bizarre Yoga Pose of the Day' challenge to add a funny twist to yoga sessions.
                • Aim to create a series of funny health-related memes to share with friends.

                  Funny Goals as Lifestyle-Related New Year’s Resolutions

                  In the realm of lifestyle changes, resolutions can take on various forms. Exploring resolutions that infuse laughter into daily life while encouraging positive lifestyle adjustments can lead to a more fulfilling year ahead.

                  • Commit to doing one household chore while wearing a superhero costume for motivation.
                  • Aim to turn budgeting into a comedic storytelling session involving imaginary scenarios.
                  • Initiate a 'Bad Pun Cooking Challenge' where recipes are narrated with dad-level puns.
                  • Start a 'Plant Stand-Up Comedy Night' – if the plants grow better, it's a win!
                  • Commit to starting a 'Comedy Club Book Club' where books are discussed with humorous twists.
                  Funny New Year's Resolutions
                  Lifestyle-Related Funny New Year’s Resolutions
                  • Aim to make self-care Sundays hilarious with unconventional spa treatments.
                  • Organise a 'DIY Disaster Day' where Pinterest fails to turn into amusing creations.
                  • Commit to mastering the 'Art of Punny Greeting Cards' for every occasion.
                  • Start a 'Tech Troubles Comedy Hour' where IT problems are narrated with a humorous touch.
                  • Aim to turn journaling into a comedic recount of daily events – laughter therapy in writing!

                  Read more:

                  1. Inspiring New Year Wishes - Sparkle Into The New Year 

                  2. New Year Gift Ideas That Make 2024 Extra Special

                  In conclusion, summarising our journey through diverse and humorous resolutions, remember: the joy lies not just in achieving but in crafting goals for the New Year. Embrace the process, infuse it with laughter, and relish each step towards your aspirations. 

                  At Personal Chic, we elevate your resolutions with our bespoke gifts, perfect for enhancing your goals board display. Let's cherish the journey of growth, bonding, and self-improvement, making funny New Year's resolutions not just goals but delightful moments to treasure throughout the year. Elevate your resolutions with us and make each step towards them a joyous celebration!

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                  Personal Chic
                  Joan Martha

                  Martha Joan has been a pivotal figure at Personal Chic since 2021, steering the narrative of personalised gifting with her unique flair and expertise. A proud alumna of the Royal College of Art, Martha graduated with a Master’s degree in Visual Communication, complemented by a minor in Marketing from the London School of Economics. Her profound grasp of visual storytelling and market dynamics sets her apart in the realm of luxury personalisation. Martha's commitment to transforming mundane items into bespoke masterpieces has established her as a vanguard in the industry. Furthermore, her active involvement in the International Association of Personalised Product Professionals underscores her dedication to elevating the art of customised gifts.

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