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Best 50+ Most Funny Love Quotes for Every Recipient!

Top 50+ Funny Love Quotes for Him and Her to Show Your Love

Public 11 Feb 2024
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Explore a world of laughter and love with Personal Chic's handpicked selection of funny love quotes. From silly anecdotes to heartfelt chuckles, these quotes bring a unique twist to expressing affection. Let the warmth of humour enhance your romantic moments, creating memories that are not only special but also filled with shared laughter.


Funny Quotes About Love for Special Occasions

In moments that call for a dash of humour and a sprinkle of romance, our assortment of funny love quotes creates the perfect blend. Explore these funny quotes in love, tailored for special occasions, and add a touch of wit to your heartfelt expressions.

  • "On our anniversary, I shall write our love story in the stars so all the heavens know of my devotion, dear heart." - Lord Bartholomew Fortescue
  • "Let us celebrate the blossoming of our love with merriment and feast on this joyous day, my fair queen." - Sir Algernon Wigglesworth
Funny Love Quotes About Love
Funny Quotes About Love
  • "Though years may pass, my love, thy beauty remains as timeless as our first tender kiss on this blessed day." - Duke Reginald Cavendish
  • "Just as spring's first daffodils bloom anew, so too does our love flourish on this special day, darling." - Viscount Tobias Flapjack
  • "On this joyful occasion, I vow to fill thy days with laughter and romance till the end of our times, sweet lady." - Earl Leopold Chucklebucket
funny love quotes
Funny Quotes About Love
  • "As candles brighten this day, so thou light up my life, filling each moment with meaning." - Marquis Percival Snodgrass
  • "Thy love is life's greatest gift, which I open joyfully on our celebrated day and treasure in my heart always." - Duke Ferdinand Pepperwhistle

Heartfelt Funny Love Quotes for Him

Expressing love takes a delightful turn with our curated selection of funny love quotes for husband. These cute funny silly funny love quotes for him not only tickle the funny bone but also unravel the warmth of affection, making each sentiment extra special.

  • "Dearest, thy antics amuse me as a jester's tricks at court. Laughter is always merrier when we are together." - Lady Genevieve Snodgrass
  • "My valiant knight, thou slayest me not with thy sword, but with thine intoxicating wit and charm." - Duchess Vivienne Cavendish
  • "Dearest, thou art as steadfast as a lighthouse, guiding my ship through stormy seas and back to thy safe harbour." - Viscountess Prunella Fortescue
  • "Beloved fool, thou art more precious to me than all the gems in the royal treasury, for thy love is life's greatest reward." - Marchioness Montgomery Rosewood
Heartfelt Funny Love Quotes for Him
Heartfelt Funny Love Quotes for Him
  • "Valiant hero, loving thee emboldens my spirit like a knight girding for a tournament. Thou art my champion." - Dame Isabella Wigglesworth
  • "Dearest treasure, thy affection is the key that unlocks my heart and fills it with joy abundant." - Lady Eleanor Ainsworth

Cheesy Funny Short Love Quotes for Her

For her, where humour meets romance, our compilation of cheesy funny short love quotes for wife unveils a world of playful affection. Dive into these quotes that encapsulate the essence of love in a delightfully cheesy way.

  • "My dear, your radiance outshines the stars. Each moment with you is like basking in the glow of a thousand suns." - Lord Bartholomew Wigglesworth
  • "Thy laughter cures all woes, fair maiden. 'Tis a soothing balm upon my weary soul that lifts my spirits skyward." - Sir Percival Fortescue
  • "Fairest flower, thy sweet voice makes the songbirds envious. Thine every word is a cherished melody my heart yearns to hear." - Duke Algernon Flapjack
  • "With but one glance from thine eyes, my heart takes flight as though borne on angel's wings to the heavens." - Viscount Leopold Snodgrass
Cheesy Funny Short Love Quotes for Her
Cheesy Funny Short Love Quotes for Her
  • "Dearest heart, loving thee feels as merry as a country fair, filled with mirthful games and sweet treats." - Lord Ferdinand Pepperwhistle
  • "My cherished rose, thy soothing embrace at nightfall wraps my weary soul in comfort, like a quilt hand stitched with care." - Duke Reginald Rosewood
  • "Beloved, thou art more precious to me than all the crown jewels in England. I treasure our love beyond measure." - Sir Montgomery Fortescue
  • "Fairest blossom, thy patience and wisdom nourish our love, allowing it to grow ever stronger like a sturdy oak." - Viscount Percival Wigglesworth

Extra Special Funny Love Quotes from Movie 

Embark on a cinematic journey through our collection of extra special funny love quotes from movies. These quotes, inspired by the silver screen, infuse your love story with laughter and bring an extra touch of charm to your expressions.

  • "My darling, our romance has more twists and turns than a Hitchcock thriller, yet through it all you remain my leading lady." - Sir Reginald Worthington
  • "From the moment our eyes first met across the crowded room, I knew our stars were crossed and destiny had cast us as soulmates." - Lady Genevieve Ellingham
  • "Every glance we share flickers like a vintage film reel, projecting my love onto the silver screen of your smile." - Countess Vivienne Montgomery
  • "Together we shall pen the greatest love story ever told, a romantic epic spanning ages that even Shakespeare could not conceive." - Lord Percival Ainsworth
  • "Through all of life's adventures, cherished one, you are the final plot twist that subverts my cynicism and renews my faith in happy endings." - Lady Ophelia Rosewood
Extra Special Funny Love Quotes from Movie
Extra Special Funny Love Quotes from Movie
  • "Oh darling, being with you is like a delightful screwball comedy - your wit leaves me tickled pink and longing for just one more wisecrack." - Duke Algernon Fortescue
  • "Your kiss sends my heart reeling like a swooning damsel in an old Hollywood romance. Play it again, my leading man!" - Lady Guinevere Pepperwhistle
  • "With you, every moment's an adventure like Indiana Jones on a quest for lost treasure. But you alone are the prize my heart seeks!" - Viscountess Petunia Snodgrass
  • "My darling, loving you is like a delightful Disney cartoon - you make my heart burst into song & fill life with magic!"

    Discover DIY Funny Love Card Ideas Inspired

    Unleash your artistic side and accompany your heartfelt messages with personal touches, adding a dash of humour with funny love quotes and funny I love you quotes to make your cards uniquely memorable.

    • Whimsical Watercolor Love Card: Create a DIY love card by experimenting with watercolours to design a whimsical masterpiece. Splash vibrant hues onto the card and pair it with your favourite funny love quotes to add a touch of humour and warmth, making your card a unique expression of love.
    Whimsical Watercolor Love Card
    Whimsical Watercolor Love Card - Funny Love Quotes
    • Quirky Collage Love Card: Compile a collage of shared memories, featuring photos, ticket stubs, and other mementos that hold significance. Alongside these cherished items, incorporate quotes on love funny to infuse a lighthearted and personal touch, making your DIY love card a delightful journey through your relationship.
    • Playful Calligraphy Love Card: Explore the art of calligraphy to inscribe funny quotes love quotes onto your DIY card. Use playful and expressive fonts to bring humour to your message, turning your love card into a charming and personalised keepsake that captures the essence of your relationship.

    As we have seen, funny and lighthearted quotes can add a touch of levity and laughter to expressing affection, whether it’s for a birthday, anniversary, or just because. When choosing the perfect funny love quotes or funny "I love you" quote for your valentine, think about inside jokes and silly moments you've shared. The right humorous quote can speak to your unique relationship.

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    Personal Chic
    Olivia Knightley

    Olivia Knightley is the engaging blog writer for Personal Chic, the go-to website for personalised gifts that add a touch of individuality to every occasion. With a creative flair and a keen eye for the latest trends, Olivia curates content for the blog, offering insightful gift ideas, comprehensive guides, and thoughtful suggestions for a variety of celebrations and holidays. Having joined Personal Chic in 2021, Olivia has dedicated herself to becoming a connoisseur of all things gift-related, ensuring that every piece of content she crafts is both informative and imbued with a personal touch. Her background in creative writing and marketing, combined with her passion for celebrating life's moments, big and small, resonates through her engaging and relatable writing style.

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