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Top 30 Most Funny Valentines Poems for Him & Her

Top 30 Most Funny Valentines Poems for Him & Her

Public 11 Jan 2024
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Valentine's Day: a time for love, roses, and... laughter? Absolutely! Funny valentines poems have become a delightful way to express affection with a chuckle. These witty rhymes offer a refreshing twist to the traditional romantic verses, making them a hit among couples who appreciate a good laugh.


Short Funny Valentine Poems

Celebrate this Valentine's Day with a twist of humour and a dash of wit! Here are short, short funny valentines day poems that perfectly blend laughter with love. Each poem, with its playful charm and lighthearted tone, offers a unique way to express your feelings. Whether you're looking to add a giggle to your greeting card or a smile to your special evening, these funny valentines poems are sure to hit the right note of affectionate amusement.

  • Love's Funny Habit

Roses are red,

Violets are blue,

Sugar is sweet,

And so are you.

But the roses wilted,

The violets are dead,

The sugar bowl's empty,

And so is your head.

Funny valentines poems

Love's Funny Habit

  • The Perfect Match

I love your smile, your face, and your eyes,

Damn, I'm good at telling lies!

  • Unusual Romance

My love, you're the cheese to my macaroni,

The butter to my toast,

But when you eat spaghetti,

I love you the most.

  • Cupid's Misfire

Cupid shot his arrow,

It went zooming past,

Hit my mother-in-law,

Oh, what a blast!

Funny valentines poems

Cupid's Misfire

  • Mismatched Socks

You're the sock that always disappears,

And I'm the one left behind,

But together we're a perfect pair,

Odd, but lovingly entwined.

These short funny valentines day poems are the perfect way to share a laugh while expressing your love. Humour has the power to bring us closer, making these quirky funny short valentine poems a delightful addition to any Valentine's Day celebration. Share them with your loved one and enjoy the lighter side of love this Valentine's Day!

Silly Funny Valentine Poem

Valentine's Day isn't just for heartfelt declarations and romantic gestures; it's also a time for a bit of silliness and fun! Embrace the lighter side of love with these delightfully silly and funny valentines poems. Each one, crafted with a sense of fun and whimsy, is perfect for bringing a chuckle and a smile to your special someone. From playful puns to lighthearted jokes, these funny valentines day poems offer a refreshing take on expressing love with a good dose of laughter.

  • The Awkward Cupid

Cupid aimed his bow at me,

But missed and hit the tree.

The arrow bounced back, quite absurd,

And now I'm in love with a bird.

Funny valentines poems

The Awkward Cupid

  • Mismatched Affection

My love for you is like a fish,

Weird, I know, but true.

You're the water to my dish,

Without you, I'm just seafood stew.

  • Love's Odd Recipe

I love you like a pig loves mud,

Or a bee adores its buzz.

It's an odd kind of love, my bud,

Just like every couple does.

  • The Love Bug

I caught the love bug, it's quite the flu,

Sneezing hearts and coughing 'I love you'.

No need for a doctor or a bed rest day,

Just your smile is enough to chase it away.

  • Sweet and Sour Love

You're the lemon to my pie,

Sour yet so sweet.

Life with you is quite the high,

A zesty love, indeed, a treat!

Funny valentines poems

Sweet and Sour Love

These silly and funny valentines day poems capture the joy and playfulness of love in a unique and charming way. Perfect for those who believe laughter is a key ingredient in any relationship, these funny valentines poems are sure to add an extra sparkle to your Valentine's Day celebrations. Share them with your loved one and enjoy a day filled with laughter and love!

Cute Funny Valentine Poems

Valentine's Day is the perfect occasion to sprinkle some cuteness and giggles into your expressions of love. If you're looking to warm the heart and tickle the funny bone of your special someone, these cute and funny roses are red valentine poems are just what you need. 

  • Love's Funny Spell

My love for you is oh so strong,

It even makes my coffee taste wrong.

I stir in sugar, I stir in cream,

But all I taste are our love-filled dreams.

Funny valentines poems

Love's Funny Spell

  • Giggling Hearts

I thought love was a serious affair,

Full of longing gazes and a debonair air.

But with you, it's giggles and silly jokes,

And that's why we're the happiest of folks.

  • The Quirky Duo

In the zoo of love, we're a quirky pair,

I'm the zebra, and you're the bear.

Stripes and fur, quite the sight,

But together, we're just right.

  • Sweetheart's Serenade

Your love is like a serenade,

Played by a duck brigade.

Quacky and sweet, a little off-beat,

But it's our love's charming parade.

  • Our Love's Recipe

Our love's like a recipe, a bit unique,

A pinch of fun, a cheeky cheek.

Stir in laughter, a dash of play,

It's love in a funny, adorable way.

Funny valentines poems

Our Love's Recipe

These cute and valentines day poems funny are a testament to the joy and light-heartedness that love can bring. Whether it's a quirky comparison or a playful pun, each funny valentines poems offers a charming and humorous way to express your affection. Share them with your loved one this Valentine's Day and enjoy the sweet laughter and smiles they bring.

Funny Valentine's Poems for Him

This Valentine's Day, surprise the man in your life with something different: a touch of humour wrapped in love. These funny valentines day poems for him are crafted especially for him, blending affection with a bit of playful banter. Each funny valentines poems offers a lighthearted and amusing way to show your love, perfect for the man who enjoys a good laugh as much as a romantic gesture.

  • Techie Love

I love you more than my smartphone,

Which I know might sound quite insane,

You're more entertaining than any app,

And you never run out of battery.

Funny valentines poems

Techie Love

  • Golfing Affections

For you, my love, I'd give up golf,

(Though I might need a small reminder).

Your love's the hole-in-one for me,

Even if I'm just a weekend grinder.

  • The Perfect Brew

You're the coffee in my morning,

Strong, hot, and gets me going.

But please, my love, replace the milk,

Your fridge experiments are growing.

  • Couch Potato Love Song

I love you more than my favourite chair,

And that's a lot, you see,

It's comfy, soft, and holds me tight,

But still, it's not as good as thee.

  • Mismatched Socks

You're the mismatch to my socks,

Odd but a perfect find,

In the drawer of life's chaos,

You're the best match I could find.

These funny valentine's poems for him are a delightful way to add a spark of joy and laughter to your celebration. They remind us that love isn't just about grand gestures, but also about enjoying the little quirks and moments of fun together. Share these funny valentines day poems for him and revel in the smiles and giggles that follow, making this Valentine's Day memorable in its own special way.

Funny Valentines Poems for Her

This Valentine's Day, charm the special woman in your life with a sprinkle of humour and a lot of love. These funny valentine poems for her are a delightful mix of wit and affection, perfect for bringing a smile to her face.

  • The Shopping Confession

I love you more than shopping sprees,

Though at times, it might seem tight,

For every bag you bring home, dear,

My wallet feels the light.

  • Dance of Love

Your dance moves might not win a prize,

They're quirky, but that's okay,

For every step and every twirl,

Steals my heart away.

Funny valentines poems

Dance of Love

  • Chef of My Heart

Your cooking's strange, it's true my dear,

Sometimes it's hard to swallow,

But your love's the secret ingredient,

That makes it all worth to follow.

  • Ode to Your Snores

Your snores at night are like a lullaby,

Loud, rhythmic, and deep,

But even in the quietest moments,

It's your love I wish to keep.

  • Mismatched Socks

You're the left to my right sock,

Rarely a matching pair,

But in the drawer of life, my love,

You're the perfect pair I wear.

These funny valentines poems for her offer a unique and endearing way to express your love and appreciation. They remind us that love is not only about the grand romantic gestures but also about embracing and enjoying the lighter moments together. 

Funny Valentine's Poems for Work Colleagues

Valentine's Day in the workplace doesn't have to be all about romantic love. It can also be an opportunity to spread some light-hearted cheer among your colleagues. These funny valentines poems are perfect for bringing a smile to the faces of your workmates. 

  • The Coffee Machine Romance

Oh coffee machine, my Valentine,

You're the start of my every workday line,

With every brew, you make me smile,

Making those long meetings worthwhile.

  • Ode to the Office Plant

Dear office plant, green and small,

You've seen us through deadlines and all,

Your leaves might be fake, but our love is true,

Happy Valentine's, from the office crew!

  • The Stapler's Serenade

Oh stapler, sturdy on my desk,

You keep my papers from becoming a mess,

Your clicks are steady, your grip is tight,

Happy Valentine's, my office knight!

Funny valentines poems

The Stapler's Serenade

  • Meeting Room Musing

In the meeting room, we often share,

Ideas, jokes, and the occasional stare,

Today's agenda: spreading love and cheer,

Happy Valentine's to colleagues so dear!

  • The Photocopier's Ballad

To the photocopier, always jammed,

You've tested our patience, and often we're crammed,

But today, we say with a heartfelt grin,

Happy Valentine's, through thick and thin.

These funny valentines poems for work colleagues are a great way to add a dash of humor and camaraderie to your office environment. They celebrate the everyday aspects of work life, turning ordinary office items into subjects of affectionate jest.

>>> See More: The Most Funny Valentines Gifts Ideas for Him and Her <<<

To sum up, funny Valentine's poems from 'Personal Chic' bring a refreshing and delightful twist to the traditional expressions of love. These funny valentines poems, imbued with wit and a playful spirit, offer a unique way to convey affection and bring joy to your loved ones. The charm of 'Personal Chic' lies in its ability to blend humour with personalised sentiments, making each poem not just a message, but a memorable experience.

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Personal Chic
Olivia Knightley

Olivia Knightley is the engaging blog writer for Personal Chic, the go-to website for personalised gifts that add a touch of individuality to every occasion. With a creative flair and a keen eye for the latest trends, Olivia curates content for the blog, offering insightful gift ideas, comprehensive guides, and thoughtful suggestions for a variety of celebrations and holidays. Having joined Personal Chic in 2021, Olivia has dedicated herself to becoming a connoisseur of all things gift-related, ensuring that every piece of content she crafts is both informative and imbued with a personal touch. Her background in creative writing and marketing, combined with her passion for celebrating life's moments, big and small, resonates through her engaging and relatable writing style.

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